Missing articles (I watch the list of red links turn blue):
- Trade book de:Populärwissenschaftliche Literatur[1]
- Amnioserosa
- balancer chromosome
- Biologism
- Bocksbeutel
- Weißherbst
- cccDNA
- Chordotonal organ
- Claudin
- Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum),
- Epiboly
- Gene expression pattern/ expression pattern
- Giordano Bruno Stiftung
- Holliday junction
- Imaginal disc
- Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten
- Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt
- Johnston's organ
- lateral inhibition
- lampbrush chromosome
- Mellum
- nuchal translucency
- Robert Koch-Institut / Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases
- PEV/position effect variegation
- Paracellular transport
- Pattern formation
- Septate junction
- Virome
- Werk Tanne
- Zymomonas mobilis
- Genotoxicity
- Paul-Ehrlich-Institut
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben/German Society for Dying in Dignity
- Viral Synapse
- Cytoneme
- Humanistische Union
- Erwin Fischer
- David Maillu
- histamine intolerance
- polypurine tract
- Pseudotype/Pseudotyping
- immune modulation
- corkage fee
- monogenic disease
- Ubiquitously acting chromatin opening element (UCOE)
- Jan Philipp Reemtsma
- ^ There are considerations of author’s interests and income associated with publication of books drawing together the content of research and scholarship, but which are more accessible to a general readership (‘trade books’). The UKRI open access policy defines a trade book as “an academic monograph or edited collection rooted in original scholarship that has a broad public audience”.